Now I'm not talking about any Sting like this one:
I'm talking about Sting from Dune:
My co-workers don't think he looks like him, but he does. He meaning this guy I see in the halls of the building and who he looks like is specifically Sting from Dune. I don't know how it started, but now whenever I happen to walk by him in the hallway, I try to say something about Sting or Dune. I'm wondering if he is catching on, perhaps he is, but I'm still doing it. Sometimes it is tough to get a Dune or Sting reference plugged into a normal conversation but sometimes the spice just flows (see what I did there?). Occassionally, though I'll just blurt out things like, "Harkonnen! Sand Suits! Sting! Arrakis!" and whoever I'm with will just have to try to understand the situation, realizing that perhaps somethings are best left unsaid.
Maybe one day, I'll actually get to meet this fellow, who I'm sure is a way better guy than Sting was as Feyd-Rautha, but until then (and probably after), he'll always be known as Sting from Dune. Next time you are walking down the street and see someone that might in a slight way remind you of someone else, perhaps you should shout out something like "The Spice must flow!" and see if they notice.
Now let me tell you about Zombie Guy...
You're twisted. Not sure where that came from. ;)