Friday, November 11, 2011


Based upon the recommendation of a friend, I looked up a blog called GeekDad. It has some board game stuff, which is why I was interested in it, but it has so much more for the more the dads (and moms I would think) out there who are interested in the various “geeky” parts of our culture. If you like Star Wars there are conversations with authors or maybe a picture of some kid in his R2D2 costume. If you enjoy Legos you’ll find links on there to some cool Lego designs. If you are into books, they have some reviews of those. The whole twist though is that most of the content is Star Wars with your kids, board games with your kids, Legos with your kids, etc. The idea being this is all fun stuff and it can be fun stuff with your kids too!

I liked the blog so much I chose to follow it. Now I can’t unfollow it for some reason. There are so many contributors to it that my list of blogs to read is basically all GeekDad now! Which is driving me crazy. One of these days I’ll figure out how to unfollow it or maybe follow just certain contributors, but until then, I guess all I’ll be reading about is the best way to create a life sized CP3O while watching the latest Muppets movie and changing a diaper.


  1. I was just thinking about you the other day. We have been playing Small World like crazy at our house. We are looking for a new game to purchase. Give me a tip. Hope all is well with you and yours, Adam.

  2. I've been "pushing" the original Super Mario lately,
    asking John if this is still available
    because I think Ian would enjoy it
    (and so would I).
    The blog post at GeekDad today is . . . Mario!
    Thanks for the info.

  3. Thanks Rob! Small World is awesome. I would suggest Dominion. My most played game by far and I think Micah would pick it up real quick. It's about the same difficulty level as Small World.

  4. Maybe I shouldn't make you aware of the fact that GeekDad has a sister site, =)
