What? You don't remember it! How could you dear reader. I'm hurt. Well, let me remind you. I said in my It's Been Awhile post that I'd decided not to increase my board game collection size by only trading games or purchasing games with money received from selling games. I said I could only purchase 2 games and 1 expansion beyond that, calling it my "Essen Resolution" since Essen Spiel was occurring and it was on my brain.
So this is a report of how I've done. Well, I didn't keep track of my total collection numbers, but I think it did grow. However, not because I broke my resolution! It grew because I won some games as prize support at various conventions. I actually ended up $75 in the black for the year when it came to buying and selling games (not counting Invasion as was my rule)! That even includes buying 3 core sets and all the data packs for Netrunner. I'm pretty proud of myself for doing this.
Will I continue this experiment? Well, no. You see, I moved. Bought a few shelves (Ikea is pretty impressive and wasn't part of my resolution). I now have more room and don't have to stack my games on the ping-pong table or the floor, so one part of the incentive not to get more games is gone. The other incentive though is still there, the other two incentives actually. I will continue to keep track of money spent on board games. That is basic budgeting and I do it anyways. As for playing the games I have, I feel I do an okay job of that, though I do admit more of my gaming time is spent on Netrunner now and less on board games. So perhaps I'll just resolve to just play more games. That seems like a good idea. Yeah, I'll go with that.
Anyone want to come over and give Bora Bora a spin?
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